Our Reason for Existence ...

Welcome to the Slaughtered English Blog.

I originally created a website called SlaughteredEnglish.com to post all the horrific examples of mispelling and painful grammar that I see each and every day online.

This is my pet peeve, and I am not even an English major (nor do I possess a college degree for that matter), yet it just MAKES ME GO BESERK ... (Movie quote ... can you remember which movie? Guess it right and I will send you a free bar of Shea & Goatmilk soap ).

I couldn't take it any longer so I decided to start saving some of these examples and posting them publicly (no identifying information of course, and some are actually from my relatives ... sigh).

We all make errors here and there, miss a letter, use the wrong punctuation - that is a given (I am sure I will get posts about my misuse of these ... dots.

(sorry, but I just love them).

My big issue is the absolutely jaw dropping misuse of the language by people who have made it all the way into adulthood and still don't know the difference between their and there, here and hear, etc. And those are mild examples. Some of them are incredible, especially the misuse of commonly used phrases where people mix a few of them together, with hilarious results.

Enjoy, and send me your horror stories.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Original Webpage List of Slaughtered English

This is the original list, I hope it grows to massive proportions !

Translations follow most of the entries as some are nearly incomprehensible ** indicates extra credit badness, with a notation at the bottom of the page.

I have also included my own commentary - just for the heck of it.

"...middle of July, hot as Haiti’s" - Yes, Haiti is hot - but the phrase is Hotter then Hades (aka Hell)

"As manipulative as shit on flies." - Gotta love the imagery there, and I love mix and match metaphors.

"...so it is from an tv commercial" - What ? An TV commercial ???
Say that excerpt out loud, how can anyone not hear how wrong that sounds is beyond me.When the heck did this a/an misuse start anyway ?
It so incredibly annoying and it is everywhere. I actually heard Barack Obama do this in a television interview , said something to the effect of "a article". Whaaaat ?

"No Hidding Costs" - Well you know those hidden costs are sneaky ... geez

"... see a dotcer" - No, see a shrink.

"I was adviced" - Good, I hope they suggested repeating 8th grade."

"I personally would not waist my time" - And I will bet your waist shows it too ... groan.

"condition then, removed exceed water" - Um, don't exceed the speed limit doing it either

"..middle of July, hot as Haiti’s" - Nice try. Haiti is hot but the phrase is Hotter than Hades (aka Hell).

"Thanks agen" - Thanks again, perhaps ???

"that made her brake out" - gosh, the skid marks must be the worst.
Ween yourself = Wean yourself? Is that the opposite of Peen ?

Congradulations = Congratulations - Not just for graduates anymore !

Persay = Per Se' -** Like, I am SO hooked on phonics.

Bare with me - Please, don't bare anything. I couldn't bear it.

Heel the skin ...= Heal - Down boy. Good dog.

Horabily Sensative = Horribly Sensitive - I'm so verklempt !

wait loss programms = weight loss programs - Geez, I can't wait to try it

"You're loosing out" = Lose out - I just hope I don't get too loose, I might lose out.

"Just enough so the managers are not breathing down your throat" - Eeeew, that sounds like bad CPR.


And a few entertaining things heard about town

"what am I posta do with this tainer ?"- Translation - What am I supposed to do with this container - Oh, Gawd help us, she isn't even from the south !

"it just sticks in my crawl" = Ouch, that must hurt (the word is "craw" as in a birds throat).

We are fixing Tater Totes tonight = It took me a minute to figure out she meant Tater Tots, not galoshes.

Westrin style boots = Western. But maybe the hotel Westin might want to change their name out west.

Suposably = Supposedly - Aw, come on now.

acrost=across Please, no "t" sound at the end

Libary= Library - Dammit, don't drop the r

I just can't figure why these words are so darned hard for people to get right.

** - And the "Honorary Stupid" award goes to the makers of my html editor - Page Breeze - the spell checker had per say as the correction.

Here is what Washington State University has to say about it
PER SE This legal term (meaning “in, of, or by itself”) is a bit pretentious, but you gain little respect if you misspell “per se” as a single word. Worse is the mistaken “per say.”

Just moved Slaughteredenglish.com to Blogger

To make life easier I have moved my SlaughteredEnglish.com website to blogger. This way people can easily send me submissions and I won't have to take time to edit the website.

So - post away. I look forward to enlarging my list of language atrocities.